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Print available for purchase on ETSY

I recently read several different blog posts from some wonderful photographers that said vision is more important than technique. While I agree vision is important my take on the subject is spontaneity is more important than technique. So many things can be missed if taking the time to set the perfect shot! I never, ever, ever, use a tripod. I prefer to take 100 shots from slightly different angles and hope that I may get one in the end that I like! Yes some are blurry and deleted but that is how I end up with some of my best shots. I even sit in the passenger seat of my hubby’s truck and shoot tons of photos through the window as we are moving. Amazing how many gorgeous shots I would not have gotten had I not done that! Here are some perfect examples of photos taken from hubby’s truck while driving down the road:


But this is my technique and certainly is not for everyone and that is fine. For me and I only speak for myself photography is not just about a photograph that is so life like it is about art! I used to have the steadiest of hands in my youth. I used to do ceramics and paint and could be so precise. I loved the detail I could paint. Now I have a tremor and my hands are no longer steady. I have no fine motor control of my hands. For me the post processing in Lightroom and Photoshop etc… are a life saver and the best part. I love to literally paint and enhance the individual colors etc… in post processing. It gives me my creative release.


So I have one comment for photographers, everyone has their own style and performs it for a reason… THEY like it. If you love to use a tripod go for it. If you like your images straight out of the camera, more power to you. If you love the post processing part of editing keep it up. Individuality and choice is what makes art including photography great!


Fryeburg Maine. Print available for purchase on ETSY

Fryeburg Maine.
Print available for purchase on ETSY

Red Roofed Barn, Denmark Maine, Print available for purchase on ETSY here...

Red Roofed Barn, Denmark Maine,
Print available for purchase on ETSY here…
